Dales Super Store - DEF Pumps

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) System - DEF Pumps

DEF Pumps are integral components of SCR systems, playing a crucial role in reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines. These pumps are designed to facilitate the efficient delivery and utilization of DEF, a urea-based solution that converts NOx into harmless nitrogen and water vapor.

DEF Pumps are vital for ensuring compliance with EPA emissions standards and contribute to a cleaner environment by significantly reducing harmful diesel emissions.

DEF Pumps multiple functions within the SCR system:
Fuel Mixing: Some DEF Pumps are capable of mixing diesel fuel with water before injecting it into the engine's combustion chamber. This process aids in reducing NOx emissions during combustion.
Fluid Pressurization: DEF Pumps can pressurize DEF fluid and deliver it to a doser injector, which then sprays the fluid into the SCR catalyst chamber. The chemical reaction within the chamber converts NOx emissions into harmless byproducts.
Fluid Transportation: DEF Transfer Pumps are used to move DEF between containers or fill vehicle reservoirs. This is particularly useful in industries such as construction, agriculture, and fleet management, where on-site DEF availability is essential.

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