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DieselSite 6.5L GM Crankcase Depression Regulator (CDR) Valve | 1992-2000 GM 6.5L

Pricing: $89.00



Brand New made in the USA CDR Valve. This is the valve that sits on the passenger side valve cover, it is the most likely cause for excessive oil consumption / excessive oil in the intake. The recommended service life on one of these valves is 60k miles.

A CDR valve, which stands for Crankcase Depression Regulator valve, is a component used in some diesel engines. Its primary function is to regulate the pressure inside the engine's crankcase. Diesel engines can generate significant pressure in the crankcase due to combustion gases and blow-by gases that escape past the piston rings. The CDR valve helps to manage this pressure and prevent it from becoming too high.

Excessive pressure in the crankcase can lead to oil leaks, gasket failures, and other issues. The CDR valve typically routes these excess gases from the crankcase back into the engine's intake system, where they can be burned in the combustion process. This process helps reduce emissions and maintain the correct level of pressure within the engine.


  • CDR
  • CDR
  • DieselSite
  • New

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